How the Women in Global Policy Seminar Empowered Me

I recently had the opportunity to attend Women in Global Policy PLEN seminar. I am currently attending Tulane University and was able to learn about PLEN through the efforts of the Newcomb College Institute (NCI), which has its roots in…

It is not Linear: Pursuing a STEM Career

The Women in STEM Policy is the first seminar I have attended in my life. As a child of Dominican immigrants, the idea of a career outside of nursing seemed impossible. Especially since most of the careers highlighted in PLEN were either foreign to me or I…

Finding Women Who Want Other Women to Succeed

I learned about PLEN from posters on my campus, and I immediately felt drawn to the Women, Law, and Legal Advocacy seminar. Ever since I fell in love with my Constitutional Law class in the fall of 2015, I have been interested in pursuing a career in…

The Plenary
The Plenary
An online community blog for PLEN alumnae and supporters to mentor, collaborate, and share essential professional and life lessons they've learned during and after their PLEN seminars.
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