S. Suzette
The Plethora
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2016


Dear Media, I am bored…

With seeing the same shit..

Go with me here (take analogy @ face value, over-analyze and you’ll kill the magic). Imagine, you’re at a restaurant you’ve never been. You ask the waiter “What would you recommend?” The waiter responds: “Pizza”. You don’t want pizza, though. You are not sure WHAT you want but pizza isn’t IT. Then, the waiter replies “Pizza is the best we’ve got”. You’d leave, right? Imagine subsequently going to five different restaurants ..all recommending PIZZA.

THIS is what has happened to me & media — of every kind.

The repetitiveness of media has given me the blues. From articles about digital strategy (I want to take a hatchet to the topic of growth hacking) to the obsession with celebs— I can’t take it anymore.

Where are all the creative, inventive, risk-takers hiding?! Probably on their couch..like me, judgmentally complaining instead of getting up and doing something about it. I know what you’re thinking: “Lady, are you MAD? Media is repetitive because SOMEONE wants to consume…go find the things you WANT to consume”. Touché.

Empathize with me here, though. Sometimes, I get fully human and I want to be presented with/given something that WOWs me. I want to flip through the channels and find a show I can’t resist…turn on the radio and find a song I can’t help but sing…scroll through social media and find information….I can actually USE.

So, this post is multi-purposed. 1. To break my blogging virginity (overcoming my fear of the publish button) 2. To ask you: where is the WOW? Bring on the recommendations! 3. To pose a challenge: when was the last time the media you consumed WOWed you? Or, are you blindly consuming pizza time and time again?



S. Suzette
The Plethora

Seeker. Transformation Enthusiast. The Ocean in One Drop. Welcome to my journey ❤