Looking for All Kinds of Humor

New humor publication seeking submissions from writers and cartoonists

T.A. Burt
the plucked flower.


“Sign holder” — T.A. Burt

Here we are, humor enthusiasts and creators!

the plucked flower. is a brand new humor publication and we need high-quality humorists to start filling it up with laugh-out-loud stuff. This includes short humorous fiction (500 to just above 1000 words), humorous essays, funny social commentary pieces, blah blah blah! — you get the picture, and high-quality comics and cartoons (political and otherwise).

Also, the editor loves dark humor… Muahahahaha!

If we didn’t list your specialty, worry not! We are pretty lenient on what we will accept here — the only main qualifications are if it’s funny or not and if it’s high-quality sh*t, maaan…

If you want to write for the plucked flower. please comment below with your Medium tag, and we shall add you promptly. After that, you’ll be able to submit your work, but we can’t promise it will be published.

Make it funny and edited, of course! You got this!

Please adhere to the Medium publishing rules and guidelines when submitting your work to us — or we’ll find you… Just kidding, but seriously we aim to keep this publication on the up and up! Also, you must include an image at the top of…



T.A. Burt
the plucked flower.

Inside outsider; organized anarchist; ceaseless champion of freedom; perpetual destructor of "truth"; editor/owner of ‘Earth Jester Magazine’