I’ve got all my sisters and me

Havas Health Plus
The Plus
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2018

by Grace Milbourne

Last year, at the inaugural Women’s March in New York City, I remember feeling — amidst the crowded pulse of millions of people — , a warming sense of togetherness, and a unified point of view. Come Monday, I was back in the bustling office of a midtown advertising agency wondering how and when that same entitled sense of equality would trickle into our traditionally male-dominated industry.

What could I as a copywriter do to encourage progress in a field that shapes our culture’s point of view? How could the collective that stood together for equality that day push further for our colleagues and amplify the voice of tomorrow’s women?

When will they see it like I do?
While women make up 49% of the advertising industry, they account for only 11% of creative directors. It’s no surprise that 91% of female consumers feel like ads not only misrepresent but lack understanding of women. That’s not to say that only women can write or create for other women, but having their voices represented in creative departments is a step in the right direction. Maybe then we wouldn’t be so flooded with cookie-cutter, paper-doll versions of modern women in today’s marketing and advertising.

Image Credit: For All Women Kind

This calls for an inside job.

Change starts usually with a thought — and then a plan. We need an inside job — more women, more minorities, more diverse points of view to bring different ways of seeing to the table.

Last year, Pinterest led the charge with a national day of awareness to Right the Ratio on Women’s Equality Day. This day, among many others, continues to push for incremental change in the hearts, hiring practices, and habits of agencies and corporations. We all know that change needs to repeatedly infiltrate our reality to stick, so here are a few ways we can all be strong and push onward.

Encourage equality from the inside, Tips for everybody

Image credit: Right the Ratio Pinterest

Speak with confidence.

Don’t rely on qualifiers. Be direct. Don’t apologize for something to appear accommodating. #sorrynotsorry

Everybody rise.

88% of young female creatives say that they lack mentorship. If you’re in management or have a leadership position, spend time with team members and see how they want to grow. Your experiences and advice will help, and I promise — you’ll learn something from their perspective too. And if you don’t have a mentor, actively seek one out — ultimately, you are in charge of your career.

Rally for diversity and raise the bar.

Strong work starts by seeing things from many perspectives. Fight groupthink. Make sure everyone in brainstorms is heard: “I don’t think Syndey was finished making her point. Sydney, did you have more you wanted to say?” Finally, does the work only make sense from your perspective? Step outside your skin.

Find your tribe.
Don’t be afraid to ask, and never stop learning. Encourage your team to sign up for community-based organizations that are involved in educating and developing women in advertising and media. Locally, Havas Health Plus and the larger Havas network participate in She Runs It and the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association. Both organizations provide strong industry networks for women.

Let’s make agencies more inclusive of the perspectives and stories that everyone has to share. We’re in this together, after all.



Havas Health Plus
The Plus

Pursuing the possible + challenging what isn’t. Redefining life science marketing by uniting real emotional triggers with scalable technology solutions.