Welcome to the agile world

Havas Health Plus
The Plus
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2018

30 minutes with Marian Salzman author of Agile PR

You’ve probably heard the term “agile” as it relates to software development. That’s where it was born. But when you hear “agile workplace,” what exactly does that mean? In the agency world, it has more to do with the spirit and the attitude it creates across the team. What’s key to the agile agency model: quicker decision-making by teams — not individuals.

At The Plus, our agency has bravely embarked on a journey to embrace agility in all its forms. And who better to provide wit and wisdom about the agile world, than Marian Salzman, a self-proclaimed agile evangelist, and CEO of Havas PR, North America?

For those that don’t know, Mariam is a PR legend. Her latest book, Agile PR, published in 2017, is just one of over a dozen titles she’s penned that have been translated into 15 different languages.

HH+: Tell me about agile.

Marian: Part of agility is about disruption, but it’s not about being disruptive: It’s about being always on. Constant revisions, corrections. The agile world is about beta and constant improvement. In the health-tech/med-tech space, agility is the way things are discussed. It’s a Silicon Valley kind of language.

HH+: How do you see the agile model working in the health and wellness space?

Marian: Just this morning, the FDA announced that they’re relooking at how you quantify not “healthy,” but “better for you.” I’m interested in this because I see it as a new category. For example: Full-fat foods vs. reduced-fat foods. If it’s better for you, can you make the claim? If you work in an agile space, you’ll be meeting to discuss what this means to business — not waiting for clients to tell you what to do.

HH+: How does agile affect the traditional ad agency model?

Marian: Agile is very counterintuitive to a traditional agency that’s 8 to 8. The agile world works on a 24-hour clock. Here you’re constantly in real, or virtual, meetings for constant improvement. Constant connectivity. In agile, if you thought something was cool but off strategy, you’d try it. Agile is about fast fail. (Meaning: Try it. If it doesn’t work, don’t dwell on it, move on.) It’s not about constant commentary. It’s risk-taking. Agile forces you to challenge convention — all the conventions of an agency.

In PR, it’s easier to be agile because of short timelines. Because of “news-jacking,” if something happens, you need to be prepared. Do you enter the conversation? Do you stay out of it? It’s all about agility.

HH+: What are three key benefits of agile?

Marian (without hesitation):

  1. Empowerment. When you’re not afraid to fail, you’ll do your best work because you’ll take risks. Because fast-fail is fundamental to agile
  2. Constant learning. Because of the speed agile requires, it means that everyone goes into the role of student/teacher
  3. Creative breakthroughs. There’s no risk of failing because there’s constant improvement with fast-fail (if you fail, you’re back to #1)

HH+: At The Plus, we believe that purpose and performance are key drivers of the agile workspace. Do these resonate with agility?

Marian: Yes, absolutely. I would actually add forecasting, because the only way you can actually be effective in agile is to get ahead of things.

HH+: Dare I ask (but I will), do you feel that the traditional agency structure is over?

Marian: I think it’s pretty over. I think the only people that don’t acknowledge it are those in the agency world. I think more and more clients have really moved away from it. Their agencies are no longer just vendors. I think their agencies are good strategists.

HH+: If you could sum up agile in one word, what would it be?

Marian: Active. One of things about agile is it’s active, not passive.

HH+: So, if anyone wants to come into the communications field today, what advice would you give them?

Marian: Constant reinvention. If you haven’t learned something new today, you’ve taken a step backwards.

HH+: As we wind down, what do you think about the newly minted Havas Health+?

Marian: I love the name and the idea of The Plus. It’s an agile word. The plus means collaboration. It’s turbo-charged. The Plus is what gives you the right to be agile.



Havas Health Plus
The Plus

Pursuing the possible + challenging what isn’t. Redefining life science marketing by uniting real emotional triggers with scalable technology solutions.