Book Sips #20 — ‘Lean Vs. Agile Vs. Design Thinking’ by Jeff Gothelf

Josh Morales
PM Library
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2020
‘Lean vs Agile vs Design Thinking’ book cover

We’re adopting a lean methodology, if we want to compete, we need to be more agile and we developed this product following design thinking sprints are common statements we might hear a lot around a tech-company environment. But what the heck makes them different? Or even better: How does this famous three ways of working work with each other?

In his booklet ‘Lean vs Agile vs Design Thinking: What You Need To Know To Build High-Performing Digital Product Teams’, Jeff Gothelf explains through sharp examples not only what each of these trendy concepts were mean to serve, but also highlights the importance of embracing the beneficial aspects of the whole. A sip:

‘So what?” they asked. Each discipline should work in whatever way is best for them, right? No. Without a clear understanding of the problem, product managers optimize backlogs of work base on gut instinct and subjective preference from stakeholders. Without a clear understanding of the customer, engineers focused on simply shipping features— the more, the better — without the sense of whether they helped to solve a real customer need in an effective way. And without any sense of the feasibility or strategic alignment of their prescribed solutions, designers came up with ideas that never stood a chance of seeing the light of day.’

Jeff Gothelf’s book 1st Edition

It’s worthless to shout out loud how modern your company methodologies are. Just wait for the user to interact with your product and then evaluate the result of your lean/agile sprints efforts.

Lean vs Agile vs Design Thinking

by Jeff Gothelf

Why read?

Be informed of what this trendy terms really mean and understand how different disciplines in a team can benefit from each of these ways of working

44 pages
Sense and Respond Press (October 6, 2017)

Get this book here



Josh Morales
PM Library

User-obsessed, readaholic and a sociologist after all — Senior User Researcher @Hotjar, Editor of @thepmlibrary and Educator.