Book Sips #61 — ‘Nonviolent Communication’ by Marshall Rosenberg PhD

Stefanie Bialas
PM Library
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2021

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When asking people to name a few successful brands, they would drop names such as Apple, Google, Uber, and the likes. Why would people name those? Because the products meet the needs of the user and those companies try to continuously meet them again in an ever-changing world. Why are others not in the same position? Potentially they are not listening to the needs of the user. Marshall Rosenberg’s ‘Nonviolent Communication’ is old-time communication classic and definitely worth a read if you are interested in how we can communicate better what our own needs are and how to listen better to understand the needs of others.

A sip:

Many of us have great difficulty expressing our needs: we have been taught by society to criticize, insult, and otherwise (mis)communicate in ways that keep us apart. In a conflict, both parties usually spend too much time intent on proving themselves right, and the other party wrong, rather than paying attention to their own and the other’s needs. And such verbal conflicts can far too easily escalate into violence — and even war. In order not to confuse needs and strategies, it is important to recall that needs contain no reference to anybody taking any particular action. On the other hand, strategies, which may appear in the form of requests, desires, wants, and “solutions,” refer to specific actions that specific people may take.

Beyond the book

Marshall Rosenberg’s ‘Nonviolent Communication book and philosophy has been shared and used worldwide in many areas of work and private life. From using the method to resolve conflicts in schools, to find out how to communicate better with others and land a sale or even in political situations. Understanding NVC can help us analyze better what our users want and how we can meet their needs by building and working on products that are useful. For resources beyond the book, you can check out the NVC website.

Nonviolent Communication

A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships
by Marshall B. Rosenberg

Why read?

Have you ever been asked what you need and you answered but the result wasn’t actually what you wanted? Do we know how to express our needs properly so others can understand us? In Rosenberg’s communications classic ‘Nonviolent Communication’, he looks at what needs actually are, how we express and share them; and also importantly what do we hear from others when they talk about their own needs. A wonderful book that will help us to communicate better, calmer, and more direct with one another to achieve what we are actually striving for.

280 pages, Puddle Dancer Press (3rd edition) 2015

Get this book here on Amazon!



Stefanie Bialas
PM Library

Passionate about technology and Salesforce, running and sports lover | Contributor of the PM Library | Learning about different cultures every day!