The People behind the PM Library

Alexander Hipp
PM Library
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2020
The people behind the PM Library

Get to know the people who create content for the PM Library, and even more important check out which books they recommend you to read.

Lena Haydt

I’m Lena — one of the founders of PM Library. So it might not be a surprise to you that I love reading!
Next to that, I’m a curious and passionate Product Manager. I love building things, testing ideas and most of all, working in a high-paced environment with a talented team.
Reading is an amazing way to learn. Books can take you into areas and places you’ve never been before, they can teach you from failures and successes and they can tell you thrilling stories about people, products and teams. With PM Library we want to help you explore new books, areas, and interests because we believe that’s how we all grow in our careers and personal lives.

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Alexander Hipp

Hi, my name is Alex, and I’m currently based in Barcelona, working as a Senior Product Manager at N26, building the first global mobile bank the world loves to use. I believe that reading is one of the best ways to improve yourself and learn about Product Management. I co-founded the PM Library to help the tech community out there to explore new books and content.

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Josh Morales

Josh spends most of his time satisfying his persistent curiosity by travelling, writing and, above all, reading. He’s got an Instagram account for book reviews (@joshdixit). Professionally speaking, nowadays he’s a senior user researcher at N26 and formerly he’s been leading design research as a team and culture at HP. He also teaches and speaks in various organisations and events.

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Shane Neubauer

I’m Shane, and I’m a Tech Lead at Freeletics (prev. Google). I love technology, products, and solving problems. I work with large and fast-growing businesses in Germany to help them do cool things using technology.

My career experience has foundations in technology, engineering, and most recently ad tech. At home, I’m constantly prototyping and playing with new ideas, and keeping up with the latest tech.

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Fadeelah Al-horaibi

I’m a Senior Product Manager at N26, ranked one of the top ten most valuable FinTech companies worldwide. Previously I was a PM at OLX, a global online marketplace operating in 45 countries. I’ve also founded a women’s fashion brand and spent five years teaching in secondary school education. I’m passionate about people’s motivations and behaviours, user-centricity, and women’s health & human rights.


Check out Fadeelah’s book recommendations

Stefanie Bialas

I build CRM systems for companies to thrive further in their business and challenge the good old “we have always done it this way” view. CSR and inclusion are a passion of mine and I participate where possible in Women in Tech activities and education for young people. My favourite books include Sapiens, Start with why, and much more. Check them out in my On my Shelf article linked below.

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