Poet Wizard Returns

Dan Lunde Jr.
The Poet Wizard
Published in
1 min readApr 27, 2014


I am still an apprentice training in the art of human being,
and continue to learn the lessons of mind body and spirit connection.

But my mentor has finally returned from his journey through the stars.
You cannot beat the one to one ratio of master and student.
It is necessary for an education in universal revelation.

The poet wizard is setting up his studio.
He is filing away his worn ancient books and travel tattered scrolls.
The quills and inks are out on his hand carved driftwood desk.
His pet cricket sings from a bamboo cage hung next to the window
where light pours through and charges his crystals.

I keep staring at a battered chest kept in a dim lit corner.
It has 23 separate locks, each uniquely different in design,
of various sizes, and made from materials that seem not of this world.

The poet wizard sees me gazing curiously at the mysterious trunk.
He smiles and winks at me, “In due time” he says. “In due time.”



Dan Lunde Jr.
The Poet Wizard

poet, blue collar brother, psychedelic funk punk, deep breathing human being, socialist leaning prankster, rooted in the deep northwest.