
And the self arrives

Anirudh Venkatesh
The Poet
2 min readApr 25, 2017


Leave! Shadows, perils of the night!
Go back to where you lay.
My fire shall burn mighty bright
And light my chosen way,
It shall eclipse the day.

Leave now! Sore doubt and sodden pain,
Your burden weighs on me.
You make me lose while I still gain
And drown me in the sea
Of what’s not come to be.

Leave, demons! I have seen you bare,
You sponges in the lake.
You sink within, and then you dare
To add your weight or take
With you, what you unmake.

Leave, all of you! I have my will,
I’ve traded it for years.
I’ve been reborn. You shall not kill
The voice that dries my tears,
That undoes all my fears.

Leave, mirthful hoarders! The sun’s out
And shining in your stead.
You’ll never hear me scream or shout
Or lie awake in dread.
I’ve risen from the dead.

Leave, haunters of my mind! You’ve been
Unbidden guests too long.
Go back to your own realms unseen
Where you can do no wrong,
Where I stand firm and strong.

Leave, unprofitable fiends! I
Don’t need your company.
I don’t need friends born from the lie
That life is misery.
I’m free. At last I’m free.

I stand under the living light
I cast upon the eve
Of my unchartered, inward flight.
I rise up and I leave.
I rise up and I leave.

Leave. Be gone. Alone.

Alone. Be gone. Leave.

The Poet fuses my reality and imagination using rhythm and rhyme.

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You can have a look at all my articles here: Anirudh Venkatesh

