The Caterpillar

The cocoon changes not the world, but you

Anirudh Venkatesh
The Poet
1 min readJun 19, 2019


Should I remain a little longer?
My self-confinement chews the days
I spend in here to spit me stronger.
It helps as much as it delays.
No more! The dreaming has me sated.
I’ve waited, waited and I’ve waited.
I breathe the dark, its scent within my gown.
My restful sleep has truly worn me down.
I’m out! I’ll gulp the new world’s potion.
What wonders will now come to pass
That I’d have never seen? Alas!
The world’s the same old tempest ocean
That tosses life and death around like things -
First prisoned on legs, now prisoned on wings.

He sorely lacks the sting,

The solitary king.

Experiences unite us. I believe words can provide these experiences. The Poet is just one of many ways to share them.

The Poet fuses my reality and imagination using rhythm and rhyme.

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