Bears Heal

Strength In Hope

The Poetry Club


Photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash

Erin and Nathan packed
what they needed
for an autumn weekend
and headed out
on a camping trip.
Lori, Nathan’s sister,
turned twenty-two when doctors
diagnosed her with breast cancer.
Lori said she had a year left
to live, but wanted to be alone.
If Lori’s cancer left, she said she’d
surprise him.
Nathan told her to be strong
like a mama bear.
“Grrr!” Lori said, arching her hands to claws.
Nathan smiled and kissed his sister
believing she’d reached the end.
Erin dragged Nathan out
to reconnect with nature.
It was a two-hour drive
from Sunnyside to Wenatchee.
The stereo played Machine Gun Kelly
and Stand Atlantic.
Erin sang one line, and he’d sing the next.
Erin parked the car and Nathan retrieved
their gear.
They pitched the tent and gathered logs to start a fire.
Erin barbequed hot dogs and served chips with warm Pepsi.
“I’m glad God brought us together.” Erin snuggled into his chest.
Nathan chuckled.
“What?” Erin lifted her head to look at him.
“Can you believe it’s been five years?”
Erin laid her head back on his chest. “I’m so happy,” she sighed.
The next day, Erin and Nathan meandered
through trails, crunching over
leaves and sticks and moving over rocks.
The couple embarked on a ravishing hike
through the Wenatchee green and brown forest,
with its towering trees and vibrant flora.
The trail led them to breathtaking viewpoints.
As the sun descended,
casting long shadows across the forest bed,
the creek fell upon deaf ears as Erin cupped
his cheeks to kiss him.
Erin and Nathan shared a long kiss.
Nathan wrapped her long, dark hair around her neck,
and moved his lips to taste her neck.
Erin closed her eyes, moaned, and bit her bottom lip.
Meanwhile, the water played a gentle whisper.
The fresh mountain breeze
pulled Erin’s ponytail eastward.
They continued down the trail
and stopped to look at the city below
under a haze.
Nathan sighed and twisted toward Erin.
She puffed on a pipe.
“What are we smoking?” Nathan arched a brow.
Erin blew out smoke. “Try it,” she said, holding out her hand.
“I don’t know.” Nathan scratched the back of his neck.
“Come on,” Erin said.
Nathan reached for his neck and moved his nails around his beard. “I don’t know.”
“We’re on vacation,” she said. “You wanted to come here,” Erin said, shrugging. “So, do it.”
“What’s one hit going to do?” Nathan said, as though he needed to convince himself.
“That’s the man I married.” Erin applauded like she was at a New Found Glory concert.
“This tastes like pine needle.” Nathan choked.
“I know.” Erin laughed hard.
Nathan handed her the pipe.
Curiosity got the better of him.
“What’s that?” Nathan said, pointing at a rock.
Erin scanned. “What’s what?”
“That!” Nathan said, pointing at the same rock.
“Dude, there’s nothing there.”
Nathan squinted. “There’s a bear, strumming an acoustic guitar.”
Erin screwed up her face. “You’re fucking kidding me, right?”
“Was this pot mixed with anything?”
“So about that,” Erin said, playing with her hands.
“Look at me,” Nathan said. “What did I smoke?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yes,” Nathan said, waving his hands, “because I see a bear over there.”
“Stop!” Erin’s face reddened, and she jumped up and down. “There is no bear!” she said, drawing out her words with frustration.
“Go look then,” Nathan said, resting his hands on his hips.
Creases formed on Erin’s forehead. “Why would I go?”
“I’m waiting,” Nathan said.
Erin waved her finger. “Fine.”
Erin moved across the brush and stepped over a trail.
“This bear?” Erin said.
Nathan nodded, his eyes wide and his hands close to his chest.
Erin pulled off the head.
“Lori?” Nathan said.
Erin and Lori laughed.
“You have long, red hair.”
“The cancer is gone,” Lori said.
“That’s a wonderful surprise.” Nathan brushed away tears with his sleeve.
“You set me up!” Nathan held his hands to his head.
They ate burgers, sipped beer, and celebrated over a campfire with Lori and her husband, Frank, Erin’s cousin.

(© 2024 AC)

(Amazon Kindle, Spillwords, The Writers Club)

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The Poetry Club

U.S. Army Veteran. Paratrooper. Runner. Nonprofit. Education. I write short stories and poems.