Broken — A Covert Narc Production Poem

One day I started writing out a list of items my narcissistic ex had broken..and it became a poem

Myla Morningstar
The Poetry Club
2 min read3 days ago


These are the things he has broken.
Like pictures on the wall,
Like windows down the hall,
And lights in the dark,
And my heart.

These are things he has broken,
Like promises he makes.
Within the hour he breaks
And lights up the dark.
And my heart.

Waiting for a world he makes for me,
Lost in translation.
Nothing here is what it seems to be,
Lost passion plays.
Waiting to be lost or to be found,
Lost in silence.
Waiting while I see the sun go down,
Lost in his sea.

Waiting for something new,
he has broken.
Waiting for something true,
he has spoken.
I should know by now,
He has broken me.

Delicate glass, shards on the floor,
Tiptoeing through a half-broken door,
Shattering me, lost to be found.
What can I do but follow him down?

Turning circles around the sun,
And I seem crazy and
broken and bent —
Like I am the one,
Flying too close to the sun,
And breaking it all.

One more night, unseen.
One more day, I bleed.
All this time, until the morning.
One more year, gone by,
As I live his lie,
and clean up what he has broken.

Your heart,
your heart,
your heart
Is not like mine.

Your heart,
your heart,
your heart
Will be just fine.



Myla Morningstar
The Poetry Club

Editor of Tales From the Narc Side, BSU ‘05, Suffered For Years At The Hands of a Narcissist, 4 Dogs, 3 Kids, I live in Idaho