
Anish Bhattacharyya
The Poetry Club
Published in
Sep 7, 2023
Photo by Sven on Unsplash

My eyes open me to dazzling light.
Cockerel’s cry the harbinger of dawn.
Out I step into warm glow.
Gazing the view of the sun.

A warm glow effuses from hills yonder.
Floating clouds lit at last.
The sky soon set alight.
Disappear do they, remnants of night.

The larks sing their song of day.
Paean to warmth bestowed upon.
Soon, abuzz is the scene I see.
The flutter of butterflies galore.

Midday and I am struck by the heat.
Rest do I under shades of tall trees.
A valley struck by rainbow.
Bedecked by flowers of all hue.

Awake, I dream on land.
In Paradise’s nest, I lie.
Far away from din of modernity.
Lies beauty dating to antiquity.



Anish Bhattacharyya
The Poetry Club

Hobbyist writer. Balancing emotional and literal truths.