Poetry, Writing Prompt

Cycle of Life

A poem and a writing prompt.

Jason Edmunds
The Poetry Club
Published in
1 min readNov 18, 2023


Photo by Catherine Kay Greenup on Unsplash (cropped)

Small bud to cute blossom —
Radiant. Mesmerizing.
Life’s glee message.

Blossom to delicious fruit.
Buzzing, rich relationships.
Development. Life’s maturity.

Shedding Autumn leaves,
preparing for winter’s sleep
— besting challenges.

Tree stumps, sky-reaching
in desert dryness. Waiting.
Mankind’s cycle of life.

This poem was inspired by a tree I encountered on one of my nature walks.

The tree had a small flower bud that was about to bloom. On the same branch, there was a radiant blossom in full bloom.

The blossom and bud were situated in the middle of Autumn colored leaves. Some were already brown and shriveled. Ready to be shed.

In contrast, the other side of the tree had beautiful, healthy green leaves bobbing in the wind. What a conundrum!

I pondered this phenomenon and realized it is symbolic of the cycle of life of fauna and flora.

Writing prompt: Does nature have a symbolic message for you?

May the writing prompt tickle your muse.

Tagging some poetry enthusiasts who might be interested in this prompt.
Adrian, Becca CO 🌵, Bella, Bella, Benighted, Bonnie, Isaac, James, John, Kallol, Karen, Kathy, Logophobic, Lynn, Mariana, Mustapha, Sanghita, Seana, Shereena, Sheri, Vidya.



Jason Edmunds
The Poetry Club

I enjoy socialising, experimenting in the kitchen, reading, writing and walking.