Dear Cam

A Poem



I miss your laugh and your wit,

I miss knowing what you are accomplishing,

I miss your smile and hugs,

I miss you saying you love me,

I miss you not being a part of my life,

I miss the chance to meet my only grandchild,

I miss that you used to call me your Mum,

Forgive me for hurting you,

Forgive the callous manner I dismissed your feelings,

Forgive the opportunities I could have taken,

Forgive me for abandoning your heart,

Forgive me for the excuses I used to justify my hurt,

Forgive me for not accepting that you are grown up,

Forgive me for being the proud woman I am,

Allow me to take part in your life’s journey,

Allow me to acknowledge your pain and hold it for you,

Allow me to show love unconditionally as I once did,

Allow me to take responsibility for my part,

Allow me to be the mother you know and love.

This is a poem I wrote for my estranged adult son, Cameron, whom I hurt deeply and tried



Jezebelle Darling - Healing through Writing
The Poetry Club

Empathically gifted, interested in pleasures of the soul, having an unquenchable yearning for knowledge about humankind and the psychology research behind it.