Poetry | Writing Prompt

Life’s Merry-Go-Round

There are happy and sad learning moments on our life journeys

Jason Edmunds
The Poetry Club
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2024


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Life’s problems —
a maelstrom;
water swirling, tucking,
pulling you under.


gasping for breath
learning lessons, growing —
Clinging to life’s wild ride,
experiencing a flood of emotions,
hoping to surface,
to taste life’s fresh air
filled with joy, love and life.

Surfacing. Head above water,

a deep breath — life’s good…
escaping a twirl and swirl
maelstrom merry-go-round.
Heading for sunny, funny,
happy patches, the good life —
Rainbow and ribbons moments
learning lessons, growing.

Life’s a twist and twirl, up and down journey,

a rapid fun-filled water slide,
shrieking, enjoying, living.
Surfing foamy waters fun, smiling —
enjoying the ride in sun-drenched
happy-go-lucky life patches and…



Jason Edmunds
The Poetry Club

I enjoy socialising, experimenting in the kitchen, reading, writing and walking.