Mirrors & Memories: Reflecting On Time

Imagine yourself getting old someday

Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
The Poetry Club
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2024


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Growing old is not in my books.
However, it is a hard-hitting reality.
I am 25 and will be 50.
From a few years now on.
I wish I could go back in time.
And stop the clock from rotating.

Looking in the mirror has become my thing.
Sometimes I question myself.
And the ageing process. Why me?
But isn’t it miraculous and a curse at the same time?
Walking with a jagged back and wobbling legs
Reminiscing about the youth and sometimes regretting.

Ah, old age. Might I be still jamming?
To Taylor Swift, BTS, or Backstreet Boys:
Fangirling like 16 at the age of 60
Over-hot bods who might be my reel boyfriends
Crushing and blushing over their existence
Who doesn’t already know my hilarious secrets?

Mirror mirror on the wall, will I become
Old and get saggy skin, losing my beauty?
No, my dear child, you’ll still be beautiful and sassy.
Just that, you will have a hard time processing
And adjusting to your new phase of life
Cribbing and throwing tantrums even after decades.

Am I scared to accept this new persona?
Maybe yes and maybe no.
What would my future look like? I don’t know.
I might be lying down somewhere with my grandkids.
Narrating my story about youth and how I became so famous
While carving my path and spreading those huge wings.

Laughing and mostly crying about old times.
My former self will likely become insane.
About how tomboyish I was
Wearing tees and shorts most of the time
Flaunting tattoos and ear piercings
Like a total carefree pop girl.

But growing old will be great.
It will relieve me of everything.
Finally, giving that space to breathe
Without any intrusion or complaints
Nor judging carelessly anymore.
Granting my unfulfilled wish of living gracefully.

So this poem is about probably getting old someday and is inspired by Jason Edmunds latest prompt, which you can check out below.

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Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
The Poetry Club

25 || Author || Editor of The Love Pub || I live for words and my heart beats as a writer.