Poetry | Writing Prompt

Reading & Writing Magic

A daily carpet ride to fountains filled with bliss

Jason Edmunds
The Poetry Club
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2024


Image by 1tamara2 from Pixabay (AI-Generated)

Reading transports me to magic worlds,
filled with word feathers and wisdom pearls.
Their joyful thorns settling into my mind,
creating a dancing salsa smile on my dial.

Writing is for pleasure creating stories on pages.
I’m a steam cooker releasing pressure, whistling.
Some ideas will settle with readers like sparklers,
bringing laughter. One can hear the happy sizzling.

Magic is engaging with your story on Medium,
it’s mostly serious, other times I’m a comedian.
It’s to let you know I enjoyed your creative story,
appreciating your wordsmithery and creativity.

Reading, writing and community engagement,
my daily carpet ride and blissful magic agents.

Author’s note:

This week the Poetry Club’s weekly writing prompt is about reading and/or writing. It’s an open-ended prompt. Let your first thought or idea guide and inspire your muse.



Jason Edmunds
The Poetry Club

I enjoy socialising, experimenting in the kitchen, reading, writing and walking.