Scribbles of Solitude

Finding harmony in a digital and analogue world

Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
The Poetry Club
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2024


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As a content writer and an author, I’ve always fiddled with words and creativity. Majorly it was because of reading and writing, that I developed this habit of jotting down and making notes. So here’s a poem based on that.

I sit between my paperbacks and digital notebooks.
Scribbling notes and scratching heads,
Deciding which medium is the best,
Tangled in the web of old-school and modernity,
Skimming through ideas and Pinterest.

Reading gives me pleasure and happiness.
Opening the portal to another realm,
Where there’s no one, only me,
Roaming in a fantastical world,
All alone with my frantic thoughts.

Reflecting on what transpired there,
I jot them down and turn those
Raw drafts into seamless verses, like
A honeybee gathering pollen
While searching for its nectar.

Writing creates a web of hope.
Releasing negativity from its trap,
Throwing it far away from
Where it can never return
To sway again with nonsense.

In a world full of fakes,
These words give solace and peace.
Reminding that it’s okay to not be okay.
Sometimes it is hard to survive.
But we’ll always be there for you.

This poem on life’s journey and experience is inspired by Jason Edmunds prompt for his pub, “The Poetry Club.” I hope you guys enjoy it. Check it out below.



Pooja Vishwanathan 🦋
The Poetry Club

25 || Author || Editor of The Love Pub || I live for words and my heart beats as a writer.