
Sentenced To Estella

Denied Parole

The Poetry Club


Photo by Intricate Explorer on Unsplash

I outwitted the cops as they trailed me,
sirens blaring, to the station
to bond Estella out of the big house.
My guilt trip hit a curb of shame.
I collided with the crime
of breaking Estella’s heart.
Handcuffed to my scars,
and indicted with stealing
her kisses when I still slept
in the bed of another woman
my soul was in Estella’s arms
an immature mistake,
but ignorance screams
it’s not an excuse to strong-arm
the love out of her lungs.
Life without Estella
would sentence me to death.
As luck would have it,
her stories of redemption
spilled over love,
and etched her heart
in the forgiveness of sinners.
For Estella’s wedding dress,
I will pay.
And yes, this time, I’m serious.
I released Estella from the custody
of my regret for an autumn
wedding at a gazebo.

(© 2023 AC.)

(Amazon Kindle, Spillwords, The Writers Club)



The Poetry Club

U.S. Army Veteran. Paratrooper. Runner. Nonprofit. Education. I write short stories and poems.