
The Poetry Club
Published in
Apr 8, 2024


A Poem ~

Woman In The Garden, Claude Monet, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

With Winter easing her icy grip
to a season of rebirth and mud,
comes a time of impatience for
Spring’s thaw and leaves to bud.

I’m eager for the Oaks and Maples
to quell the rays of an ardent sun,
to sit again beneath their canopy,
to delight in all that is around me.

On the lawn at a table, I will read
from Thoreau, Frost, and McKuen.
Spring’s exquisite colors evoking
“Woman In The Garden” by Monet.

As the sun sets I breathe, meditate,
and simply let my mind go astray.
Perhaps I’ll write a verse or two
before retiring for the day.

I revised and added to “Spring” recently and renamed it “Seasons”.

© 2024 RidgeMagee

111 stories



The Poetry Club

Engaging & exploring alternative points of view. Forming opinions and convictions empirically. Tendering perspectives without apology.