Poetry On Medium

Temporal Tether

Unscathed feelings and a plethora of emotions.


Photo by Daniela on Unsplash

My feelings are tethered,
Caught up in the labyrinth
Of time travel and the future,
The present is mixed.
I have no clue where I am headed.

I see my life as being
Played numerous times,
Without any replay,
It is juxtaposed with everything,
Leaving no room for a solution.

Maybe I want someone to
Hold my hands and take me out.
And transport to another universe,
Where there is peace and sanity,
Dipped in the holy water of honesty.

Trapped in the matrix of love,
I want a mess-free life.
Far away, where I can spend my time,
In my own wonderland,
Without any judgment or predicament.

Like seagulls flying over the beach,
I also want to run freely,
With someone who can
See the real me and give me
The same love and affection.



Pooja Vishwanathan πŸ¦‹
The Poetry Club

25 || Author || Editor of The Love Pub || I live for words and my heart beats as a writer.