The Tapestry.

Anish Bhattacharyya
The Poetry Club
Published in
Sep 10, 2023
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Beauty captivates the fleeting eyes.
Intricacies painted in its hues.
The fleeting eyes delve in scrutiny.
To unravel the beauty in the tapestry.

The hues, each a mark of its own.
Undulate do they across the satin ground.
Yet, intertwined are they in uniqueness.
Consonance in dissonance of the distinct.

Strokes which stand out alone.
Only to be seen as one to the world.
Complement do they in each regard.
The tapestry be devoid of none.

The eyes draw back.
The individual hues coalesce.
Into a flowing shade, mingle do they.
The tapestry, complete as it may.



Anish Bhattacharyya
The Poetry Club

Hobbyist writer. Balancing emotional and literal truths.