Something Lost

A poem I wrote in March, 2010 during my sophomore year of college

1 min readSep 11, 2013

What is it?

The thing that I desire?
The object that sets my heart afire?
I thought that I had it twice before,
Only to find as I opened the door
to get a better view,
That it was not true.

Who is it?

Who holds this wish of mine?
One very close to the divine?
It seems that way to me,
Others might see differently,
And they might even oppose
Whom I have chose.

When did I have it?

Did I ever?
Maybe never?
I glimpsed it for a moment,
And it seems as though I have thrown it
Away, by accident of course;
O, what remorse!

Why bother?

Is it even worth trying to find?
Is it worth the toil of mind?
I believe so,
For it is very hard to go
Through life without it’s light
filling up your body, soul, and sight.




Young at heart, old in spirit, somewhere between in mind.