Original Sin

John Bysinger
The Poetry and Essays of John Bysinger
1 min readSep 5, 2017

Original Sin.

Adam and eve were an allegory.

We were supposed to take a lesson from it. But it's not the one we're told.

The original sin, the one we are supposed to remember, is not man's. It's our own.

Perhaps we need to try to remember what our own very first sin was.

What was the moment that we went from blindly doing right to making the choice to do wrong.

What was the moment life made the choice?

What if human consciousness begins at the moment we learn we can chose to do wrong?

Perhaps that was the original lesson in the garden, that free will comes from being able to chose wrong over right.

Maybe we can learn from figuring out when in our development this skill is learned.

Is this why most of us don't remember our early childhood?

