The Dream

John Bysinger
The Poetry and Essays of John Bysinger
1 min readSep 5, 2017

The Dream

We are merely a dream.

A glimmer in the minds eye of something greater.

A hope, perhaps a mere emotion.

That that surrounds us is aware.

It is something far beyond out minds conception.

We know that self awareness is something that shows us that we are alive.

Our awareness is based upon cells, and those cells on chemistry.

Something so simple has given us life.

Just imagine what something complex could create?

What we call our universe, is also based upon the interaction of smaller pieces.

What if that complex interaction of the planets and stars works just as our neurons do?

If it is thinking, then we are its thoughts.

It’s fanciful imagination.

It’s hopes, it’s desires, it’s creativity.

And most certainly it’s dream.

