
John Bysinger
The Poetry and Essays of John Bysinger
2 min readSep 5, 2017


We use resources.

Everyone says ‘Recycle’, ‘Conserve’.

What if that is not our real destiny?

What if the only way to survive is to use it all?

What if we have to leave this rock to ensure we live on?

History has proven that in the long run, this planet is a dangerous place.

Could our species survive the next ice age?

Could we survive the inevitible Global Killer rock from space?

Odds are, we won’t. The fossil record proves it would be tough.

There are ice ages that lasted millenia, a blink in the eye of the planet.

We’re all very aware of how lonely our neck of the cosmic woods is.

Maybe to ensure our survival, not only do we have to leave this rock…

But maybe it will take every last resource we can squeeze from it to go.

Consider how much energy would be necessary to send one man out there.

One man on a journey to the nearest extra-solar planet.

Then consider that the closest one, likely isn’t hospitible to us.

Now imagine how much energy it would take to send ALL of us.

Every last one of us, and as much of our natural world with us.

Animals, plants, materials, supplies, enough for the journey.

And enough to start anew where we land.

Maybe it’s our destiny to take what we can from this rock.

Something like a stranded man on a deserted island, does he conserve?

He uses what he can to make a vessel capable to flee the paradise he’s on.

It’s also very arrogant of us to think we’ll destroy this planet.

Far worse fates have arisen here, and it’s survived just fine.

It will survive us as well.

Even if we take what we need.

What we need to worry about more, is saving ourselves.

Isn’t that what conservation is really about?

Keeping ourselves from destroying ourselves?

We might get so caught up in saving the planet, that we forget to save us.

