
John Bysinger
The Poetry and Essays of John Bysinger
1 min readSep 5, 2017


Our awake life is just a window into this world, each night we retreat into the oneness of the universe.

Imagine as you wake up, you step towards the window that is the reality you know.

When you go to sleep you step back away from the window and retreat into the darkness.

This reality is simply a way for the universe to experience itself in a new way.

Each life, is one of many windows that it can view things from a new viewpoint.

We are not as separate as we think, but when we view each other through the window, the entity that we seem to be in this reality seems so separate that we forget we are all one.

Remember that we are all one, remember the connectedness that is there in the darkness of sleep.

Remember to let go while you are awake and looking out your window, and maybe you can keep the connection to others alive in the dark behind you.

Do you have a nice view? Do you take in each day as if you were watching a rose red beach sunset? Maybe you should.

Enjoy your view.

