Our Emotional Landscape

A Poem

Dr. Shamaima Irfan
The Poetry Pub


Photo by Jake Colling on Unsplash

I used to feel shame for being emotional
And now I realize it is a gift
It is the nourishment for our soul
It is the elixir for being human
It is what separates us from all other creation
The highs and the lows will balance out
Immerse yourself in the present to take stock
of all the shades of sentiments that you encounter
For what would the experience be
Without the ability to love?

End Note:

In a world that often values stoicism, it’s easy to feel ashamed of our emotions. This poem celebrates the richness of our emotional landscape, the highs and lows that make us who we are. It argues that our capacity to feel deeply is not a weakness but a gift, the very essence of what makes us human.


We are emotional beings. We experience joy, sorrow, anger, love, and everything in between. Yet, so often we try to suppress these feelings, fearing judgment or appearing weak. Witnessing individuals who embrace their emotions with authenticity inspires me deeply. This poem is a tribute to those who wear their hearts on their sleeves, a reminder that…



Dr. Shamaima Irfan
The Poetry Pub

RPh || Poetry writer || Author of Articles and Stories || Wordsmith extraordinaire.