Submission Guidelines

Heads up — they are strict

Joel R. Dennstedt
The Poetry Pub
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2023


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1. This publication wants high-quality poetry. It doesn’t have to be classical in form or scheme. Prose poetry is fine. However, any non-metered or forced phrasing will be politely unaccepted.

2. We also maintain a strict formatting requirement for consistency. Like all stories on Medium, your poem should have a Title, followed by a Subtitle — which must read simply: A Poem, followed by an accredited image. The image must be black and white, or at the most, black and white with a single dash of color. Sorry, but I am adamant about creating a certain look for this publication. Finally, lines within a stanza must be single-spaced. If you don’t know how to do that on Medium click this link: How To Single Space On Medium

3. No links should be included. (Ironic, isn’t it?)

4. Your piece must include tags, one of which must be: The Poetry Pub

5. Acceptance by this publication is entirely subjective on my part. If you are sensitive about rejection, please do not contribute. My intention is not to be judgmental, critical, or nasty. I’ll simply say, “I’m sorry, this piece is not a perfect fit for this publication.”

6. With all these things in mind, please submit your poem in draft form only. It is not my nature to edit poems; they are too personal for that. If I have a technical question, I will contact you with a note before proceeding.

Believe me, I know how arrogant and self-serving much of this sounds. However, I have strong convictions regarding poetry, and this publication is devoted to meeting certain standards. It does not provide an open forum for early poetic development. Another publication might be more suitable for that.

— The Editor

