
Jessica Spencer
The Poetry We Live For
1 min readOct 30, 2018

i am surrounded by a longing for love,
and dust.
dust, dust, dust.

tiny eyes watching, walk carefully
they’re still learning, we’re remembering to breathe
through the dust.

beds so crowded, clothes so torn
there’s a war against the world going on.

welcome to the playground of death,
children are his cans to kick,
their smiles as small as themselves

pitter patter, pitter patter,
the littlest footsteps,
walking into my heart.

our group tiptoes through their house
bringing good homes and love
but there’s never enough

oh, how i wish i could turn dust to love



Jessica Spencer
The Poetry We Live For

A writer who wants to be a radio presenter and publish books that will change someone’s world. Interested in mental health, feminism and relationship writing.