I Wish We Could Follow the Story, Not the Author

But you can’t take the human out of the story, right?

Rui Alves
5 min readJun 12, 2024


Asian woman reading a book outdoors.
Image by Min An on Pexels

I’ve dreamed of a place where all stories are anonymous—a place where we could follow the story, not the author. I’ve dreamed of finding stories that align themselves with others to form not a portfolio but an anonymous synchronous stream of meaning.

Alas, I know this is nothing but a serpentine dream, a utopia wherever I choose to create — be it in the “fediverse,” the “metaverse,” the “blogosphere,” or whatever we choose to call it.

Humans log into their online accounts to experience a second life to build connections. Apparently, we need to put a name and a picture on it, even if it’s a fake one or just an AI-generated avatar.

The AI fallacy

Unfortunately, we tend to misunderstand what I like to call the “ghost in the machine,” as AI is far from being intelligent, and it certainly isn’t artificial, algorithms can’t cater to your feed and facilitate that experience.

Algorithms aren’t our post-modern deities. Automation requires human intervention, thus “artificial” is a misnomer, and the AI mythos is a fallacy.

I know the power of words, and I agree that “Machine Learning” isn’t as resounding as “Artificial…



Rui Alves

Portugal native, language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor & international book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.