My Weird But Interesting Opinion on What Love Should Be

When you look at it this way, it becomes something a bit more.

Idris Jimoh 🍀
The Point of View
4 min readMar 27, 2024


15 hands placed together with red paint on them resembling the shape of love.
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

When do you know you love someone? Is it when you get butterflies in your tummy? Is it when you start looking at them romantically? Or is it just with family?

All of these can be true in their own sense, but they are too narrow. If I’ll define love in my own words, I would say:

Love is when you want only good things to happen to the other person. You wish them no harm and have their best interest at heart.

With this definition, love takes on a whole new meaning. It means your neighbor who is friendly to you loves you. It could mean you love the waiter you gave a tip to every time you ate at a restaurant. It could mean you love the content creator you support.

Love thy neighbor… This now makes much more sense now doesn’t it?

I bare no ill intent towards you and you hopefully have no ill intent towards me. This could mean we love each other. It’s a bit uncomfortable to look at it this way isn’t it. This is because love has been boxed into a very limited interpretation.

But it goes much deeper than that, though.

What about the people you don’t like?

It’s easy to be a good friend in times of peace and comfort. When a friendship is put to the test in times of sadness and discomfort, you can truly know if you’re a true friend to somebody or if that person is a true friend to you.

Love is that way as well. It’s easy to love people you like. What about people you don’t like? Or people that don’t actually like you?

What about people you don’t want to love? Or people you don’t agree with?

There’s an easy answer to all these questions. In my opinion, the answer is it doesn’t really matter.

As long as news of them dying gives you no pleasure, you love them. It doesn’t matter whether you don’t ‘vibe’ with them. You love them.

The truth is someone out there likes the person you hate. Someone out there would die for that person. They are somebody’s son or daughter. If you wish the person ill intent, you also wish ill intent on the people that love them.

With this in mind, I love everybody.

Don’t blame the person, blame their actions

I know people are in control of their actions and are responsible for them. But just because someone does something bad, doesn’t make them a bad person.

It’s easy to judge somebody when you have never walked a day in their shoes. We almost forget that we have done some awful things as well.

I’m not defending or condoning bad behavior, I’m just saying it’s more complicated than good and bad. There’s a world of grey and spectrums between white and black, male and female, good and evil.

So it doesn’t really matter what you do. I will continue to love you anyway. If you do something bad to harm anybody, yourself, or me, I will stand against it.

Notice how I said “it”. I won’t stand against you, but I will stand against the negative action you intend to do. I would do everything in my power to stop that action without putting any blame or harm on you.

I don’t know if you’ve watched Hacksaw Ridge. It’s a war/military movie. I don’t really enjoy movies like that, but I completely loved this one.

The image of a soldier with helmets and glasses. He appears to be in a sandy desert like landscape.
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

It is an extraordinary true story of a man named Desmond T. Doss. He rescued 75 men during the WWII without killing a single person. He even refused to use a gun. He believed the war was justified to protect their rights, but killing or inflicting harm on another person is never okay.

He didn’t hate anybody in the war, and I believe that’s why he refused to take a life. But he did everything in his power to defend his home, country, and pride without causing harm to anybody.

This is the true definition of love. This is what love should be in my opinion. That man was a true hero!

Love doesn’t choose. It doesn’t discriminate or judge. It is strong and fierce. It is loving and tender. It defends and remains patient.

It is the backbone of every society. The soul of every interaction or relationship. Money doesn’t make the world go round. True Love and happiness makes the world go round.



Idris Jimoh 🍀
The Point of View

Hi there! I write here to express my thoughts and reasons. I hope you find them useful and Insightful!