Someone Is Obviously Wrong About Making $100,000 in One Year

Hoping for a world where we stop selling unrealistic dreams to each other

Captain Obvious
The Point of View


Not the Someone in question by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Disclaimer: After contact from Medium’s support, this story has been edited to remove the name of the person who is wrong about making $100,000 in one year. That’s why I’m using “someone” instead of their name.

In the first lines of an email, Someone states he believes most people are only 365 days away from $100,000 in the bank.

The email is a pitch for a course about making money online, co-hosted by Someone and Someone else.

I’m obviously VERY UNHAPPY with this sales pitch. And I think most people should be too.

I’m not calling Someone a liar. I’m saying he’s obviously wrong.

It sounds like self-help nonsense

Sure, I can believe anything I want.

  • I believe I can eat six hundred bananas in seven minutes.
  • I believe the world is a giant potato and the cooks of the universe are willing to make fries from it.
  • I believe Captain Obvious will be president of the US one day.

