Conservancy advocating for Estero River

Conservancy of SWFL
Environmental Policy & Advocacy
2 min readJan 13, 2016


This is an exciting time for the Village of Estero in Lee County, as the newly incorporated town is in the midst of updating their community plan.

The Village has three years to update and adopt new comprehensive plan policies and land development regulations. The Village and their consultants have proposed policies within the plan that would create compact, walkable, transit-oriented, and connected neighborhoods within a Village Center.

Portions of the Estero River, which is part of the larger Estero Bay Watershed, lay within the boundaries of the proposed Village Center. As Estero updates its comprehensive plan, many of its residents see this an ideal time to ensure greater protections for the Estero River and to establish greater public access.

The Estero River is an important resource for the people of Estero because of its rich cultural history, its economic importance on tourism, it provides abundant recreational opportunities and, because its banks provide habitat for diverse native wildlife.

Growth Management Specialist April Olson has been the Conservancy’s point person on education and outreach involving planning for greater protection of the Estero River.

April continues to work with Village Councilmember Katy Errington and numerous citizen groups including: Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL), Happehatchee Center, Estero Historic Preservation Citizens’ Committee, and the Estero River Task Force on devising ways to better protect the river and provide greater citizen access.

Click here to see the presentation April gave to the ECCL.

The Conservancy provided the community with numerous recommendations to improve water quality in the Estero River and to protect its riparian buffer and habitat. These recommendations include land development code amendments, funding opportunities for land acquisition and trail construction, and developer incentives.

Because of the overwhelming interest in protecting the Estero River, the ECCL held a special meeting on January 8, at the Koreshan State Historic Site, located along the river. Members of other community groups interested in protecting the river also attended. The purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness of the river and to garner community input.

April gave a presentation regarding the importance of the Estero River for the community and its wildlife and included the Conservancy’s recommendations.

The Conservancy looks forward to continuing this work with the citizens of Estero so that the Estero River and its wildlife are protected for future generations.

Click here to see the presentation April report called “Planning for the Estero River.



Conservancy of SWFL
Environmental Policy & Advocacy

Protecting Southwest Florida's unique natural environment and quality of and forever.