Abortion, Roe V. Wade, Sexism and The Politics of Misogyny!

Elwood Watson, Ph.D.
The Polis
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2022


Last week, Republicans in Florida, Oklahoma and Kentucky passed strict abortion laws, the latest in an aggressive wave of anti-abortion legislation occurring across the nation.

On April 14th, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill set to go into effect July 1 banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape or incest. The state previously allowed abortion up to 24 weeks into pregnancy. “We are here today to protect life,” DeSantis said at the bill’s signing ceremony. “We are here today to defend those who can’t defend themselves.”

DeSantis is running for reelection and is seen as a likely Republican presidential candidate in 2024. Not surprisingly, Florida Democrats blasted the legislation, with Rep. Lois Frankel calling it “a dark day for Florida.”

Millions of Americans on both sides of the abortion debate are anticipating with hawkish intensity how the Supreme Court will decide the Mississippi 15 week abortion ban case all and the political ramifications that follow.

In the meantime, both Democratic and Republican controlled state legislatures are busily enacting…



Elwood Watson, Ph.D.
The Polis

Historian, Syndicated Columnist, Public Speaker, Social-Cultural Critic. Professor of Black Studies and Gender Studies, at East Tennessee State University.