Vice President Joe Biden visits disaster recovery site in Greeley, Colorado. Image nara.get

American Economy Envy of the World

Powerhouse economy: The US leads the world

CJ Sterling
The Polis
Published in
8 min readJun 19, 2024


Economically speaking, America’s Joe Biden is a good president. The Wall Street Journal recently published a list of his economic accomplishments with this headline in April: “The American Economy is the Envy of the World.” Despite consumer pain at grocery stores, the gas pump, and especially the housing and rental markets, it is undeniable that as a world economy we are number one. America holds the position of the world’s top economy under Biden.

“The U.S. economy has far outperformed expectations over the past year and a half. Instead of stumbling under the weight of the Federal Reserve’s most aggressive interest-rate-raising campaign in four decades, it has continued expanding at a robust clip.” –Wall Street Journal, April 2024

One of President Biden’s greatest economic accomplishments came in the form of one crucial thing Americans didn’t see coming out of the pandemic or during this presidency — a recession. For those who remember the economic crash of 2008/9, above all, Americans don’t want to live through another recession.

The Recession That Never Happened

In April of 2020, toward the end of Trump’s administration, with the worldwide Covid pandemic severely disrupting the global supply chain; shutdowns…



CJ Sterling
The Polis

Writer, journalist. Commentary: Washington Post, Economist, Daily Beast, New York Times, Seattle Times, Crosscut, The Stranger. 22.5 million views, Quora.