Buffalo: ‘Great Replacement Theory’ Meets Critical Race Theory

Black People Get Ready: Another Summer of Hate is Upon Us

Herbert Dyer, Jr.
The Polis


Image: media.nbcwashington.com/

They were killing all the black people.

— 108-year-old Viola Fletcher… survivor of the 1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma mass murder of black people.

The mass murder of ten and wounding of three other Buffalo, New York citizens marks the unofficial beginning of the Summer of ’22. It is around this time every year — since time immemorial — when white supremacists/white racists are most active, most violent, and most deadly.

Indeed, “back in the day,” they used to call it “Coon Hunting Season.”

The suspect in this latest bloody massacre of mostly black people at Tops Friendly Grocery Market reportedly live-streamed himself as he methodically shot down unsuspecting random black shoppers. Just before he began shooting, as well, he posted a 180-page “manifesto” citing as inspiration, motivation and justification therefor the racist Great Replacement Theory (GRT). The word “NIGGER” had been etched into the stock of one of his two long-barrel automatic weapons. Another weapon featured a variety of white supremacist/white racist tropes and memes, including, White Lives Matter” andHere’s Your Reparations.



Herbert Dyer, Jr.
The Polis

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link, hdyerjr@gmail.com.