Defeating Fascism

A response to Paul Mason

The Polis


Benito Mussolini (left) and Adolf Hitler (right), the leaders of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, respectively — Public Domain

Paul Mason, the British journalist, and Marxist, cites five ways to smash fascism. Mason is well respected from my perspective.

Here is his video on his five ways and here is a summation:

  1. Learn from history.
  2. Accept that Western society is in trouble.
  3. We need to be proud, active antifascists.
  4. A political alliance of the left and the center.
  5. New anti-fascist laws and regulations.

There you are; now, a brief discussion of each point he makes applying Mason’s points specifically to America:


Mason’s take on “learn from history” is fine. All we need to do is read up on Benito Mussolini of Italy. Mussolini is generally regarded as the first of modern day fascists. Mussolini ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943 when he was deposed as Prime Minister. Mussolini ruled as a fascist dictator during this time and was quite successful at first and was able to hold onto power. He was brutal and…



The Polis

word scratcher, baller...shot caller, born in a city made of chocolate.