Did Biden Learn Anything from the GOP vs. Obama?

A Brief Note From Political Science Class 101

Herbert Dyer, Jr.
The Polis


Photo by Natilyn Hicks on Unsplash

Now is the time…to guarantee the South against the possible domination or the anger of the white race. We adhere to our opinion that nothing, or not much, except hostility, can be expected of two-thirds of the adult white men. They will go to their graves unchanged. Not one of them should ever again be trusted with political rights. And all of the elemental power of civilization should be combined and brought into play to counterwork the anger and plots of such foes.

— Wendell Phillips, “Warnings.” National Anti-Slavery Standard, April 9, 1870. (Written as the assault against Reconstruction by the defeated “white” South grew bolder, louder, more strident, and more violent by the day).*

Even before Barack Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009, so-called “conservatives” and the GOP generally made it clear as mud that nothing, absolutely nothing, that this new and “First Black President” attempted, proposed, suggested or even thought about had an ice cube’s chance in hell of succeeding because, 1) Obama was a Democrat; and 2) Obama, by some unfortunate quirk of fate, had been put into a job that was never intended for, nor designed to be, held by the likes of members of his “race.”



Herbert Dyer, Jr.
The Polis

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link, hdyerjr@gmail.com.