Divorcing the European Union

Gary Neal
The Polis
Published in
4 min readDec 23, 2020


Where is King Solomon when you need him?

Andrey Popov www.dreamstime.com

December 2020 looks like being the year the UK left the European Union(EU) without any trade deal whatsoever. The EU referendum took place in 2016, four years ago. Now with only weeks to go before the UK is finally out of the EU, we don’t know whether we are trading with them or not, or on what basis.

Gerard Batten, a former leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party(UKIP) thought that in February 2017, trade relations with the EU could be sorted out in an afternoon over a cup of tea. They would have needed a cup of tea as big as the North Sea. Were these politicians naïve; we are English so they will do as we say. Arrogant to say the least and no doubt believing that “the public will believe what we tell them.”

Which reminds me of a quote of Joseph Goebbel’s: “if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. “ Paraphrasing the next section: “provided that the people can be shielded from the consequences of the lie, and the state can use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie and the greatest enemy of the state.”

Liam Fox, who was Secretary of State for International Trade at the time was quoted as saying that “The free trade agreement that we will do with the European Union should be…



Gary Neal
The Polis

Retired taxi driver, creative writer, experimental poet, computer enthusiast, web design and learning to program