Donald Trump 2024 Wins In Iowa and New Hampshire: Key Factors in Victory

Wayne Ince
The Polis
Published in
9 min readJan 24, 2024

Photo credit: Author | image created by author with AI art

In the realm of American politics, specific figures can captivate the nation’s attention, such as the former two-term elected President Barack Obama. Such is the case with former President Donald J. Trump, who still has not accepted his 2020 election loss and has not committed to a peaceful power transfer should he lose again in the 2024 General Election. His victories in the 2024 Iowa and New Hampshire primaries reminded political analysts and supporters alike of the power and influence that this charismatic leader still holds. In this article, we delve into the critical factors behind Trump’s triumphs in these crucial early states, examining his strong base of support, appeal to rural voters, the impact of endorsements and surrogates, analysis of primary election results, and his ability to mobilize the Republican base through his unwavering stance on immigration and border security.

Trump’s Strong Base of Support

One cannot underestimate the emotional and steadfast support that Donald Trump commands from his base. Metaphorically speaking, his political foundation is as solid as bedrock, providing him with an unwavering platform to build his electoral success. Within this base, Trump has cultivated a devoted following that transcends traditional party lines, a testament to his unique ability to resonate with voters.

Statistically speaking, recent polling data reveals that over 80% of Republicans still hold a favorable view of Trump, showing the enduring strength of his support even after his presidency. This statistical evidence barometer his unwavering influence among GOP voters, making him a formidable force in the primaries.

Several factors contribute to Trump’s maintaining such a solid support base. One key aspect is his charismatic personality and ability to connect with his supporters on a personal level. He has a knack for addressing the concerns and frustrations of everyday Americans, making them feel heard and understood. This genuine connection creates a sense of loyalty and trust among his base, solidifying their support.

Trump’s unapologetic and unfiltered communication style has resonated with many of his supporters. They appreciate his straightforward approach and view it as a refreshing departure from the typical political rhetoric. Trump’s willingness to speak his mind, even if it means being politically incorrect, has endeared him to his base, who sees him as a fearless leader unafraid of challenging the status quo.

Besides his appeal, Trump’s policy positions have also significantly maintained his solid support base. From his tough stance on immigration to his commitment to economic growth, Trump’s policies align with the concerns and values of many of his supporters. They see him as a champion for their interests, fighting to protect American jobs, secure the border, and put America first on the global stage.

Another factor contributing to Trump’s enduring support is his ability to dominate the media landscape. Throughout his presidency, Trump was a master at utilizing social media platforms, particularly Twitter, to bypass traditional media channels and communicate directly with his base. This direct line of communication allowed him to control the narrative and shape public opinion, further solidifying his support among his followers.

Trump’s base of support extends beyond just Republicans. His appeal reaches across party lines, attracting many independent voters and even some Democrats. This broad appeal speaks to Trump’s ability to tap into the frustrations and aspirations of a diverse range of Americans, transcending traditional political divisions.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s strong base of support is a testament to his unique ability to connect with voters and resonate with their concerns. His charismatic personality, unfiltered communication style, policy positions, media dominance, and broad appeal have all contributed to the unwavering loyalty of his base. Trump’s influence will endure for years as he continues to shape the political landscape.

Appeal to Rural Voters

One of the critical elements behind Trump’s victories in Iowa and New Hampshire lies in his ability to connect with rural voters. Trump’s ability to connect with rural voters is one of the key elements behind his victories in Iowa and New Hampshire. By supporting the causes near rural voters’ hearts, such as job creation and fighting against government regulations, Trump taps into these individuals’ deeply rooted aspirations and fears.

Recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau reveals that economic downturns and globalization have disproportionately affected rural areas. Trump’s proposals to revitalize local industries and renegotiate trade deals struck a chord with these voters, positioning him as the advocate they desperately craved. As a result, Trump secured a crucial and substantial voting bloc that propelled him to success in these early primary states.

When examining the appeal of Trump’s message to rural voters, it is essential to delve into these communities’ specific challenges. Rural areas often struggle with limited job opportunities as industries that once thrived have declined or moved overseas. Globalization has strongly affected these communities, leading to factory closures and local businesses facing challenges in jockeying with cheaper imports.

Faced with these challenges, Trump’s promise to bring back jobs and revitalize local industries resonated deeply with rural voters. Rural voters resonated deeply with Trump’s promise to bring back jobs and revitalize local industries in the face of these challenges. By positioning himself as a champion for the working class, Trump tapped into the frustrations and anxieties of rural voters who have seen their livelihoods threatened by economic shifts.

Trump’s stance against government regulations also struck a chord with rural voters. Many individuals in these communities feel burdened by what they perceive as excessive red tape and bureaucratic hurdles. They believe that government regulations hinder their ability to run their businesses efficiently and make a living. Trump’s promise to cut regulations and reduce government interference resonated with these voters, who saw him as a candidate willing to fight for their interests and ease their struggles.

It is also worth noting that rural areas have a strong sense of community and pride. These communities often have deep-rooted traditions and values that they feel are under threat in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world. Trump’s focus on protecting the American way of life and prioritizing America’s interests appealed to rural voters who believed their traditional values were threatened. However, pride and community create some controversy, as reflected in country music lyrics such as Jason Aldean’s song, “Try That in Small Town.” Often overlooked, black rural farmers exist and equally harbor a sense of community and pride.

By tapping into the aspirations and fears of rural voters, Trump could forge a powerful connection that propelled him to victory in Iowa and New Hampshire. His promises to revitalize local industries, renegotiate trade deals, and reduce government regulations resonated deeply with these communities. But, the same messaging in 2016 failed to deliver on promises. As the election season progresses, Trump’s appeal to rural voters plays a significant role in his campaign strategy, shaping his policies, strange stunts, and messaging.

Impact of Endorsements and Surrogates

In the unpredictable world of politics, one should not underestimate the importance of endorsements and the role of surrogates. These external validations amplify Trump’s message, resembling the ripples that extend from a single stone cast into a pond. Throughout his campaign, Trump secured the support of influential figures within the Republican Party, rallying their support and solidifying his position. Tim Scott, the sole black Republican senator from South Carolina, and Ron Desantis, governor of Florida, have both endorsed Trump.

One notable example is the endorsement of Senator Mike Lee, a prominent conservative figure known for his unwavering dedication to the party’s principles. Lee’s endorsement galvanized support among conservative voters and showcased Trump’s appeal to the ideological pillars of the Republican Party. Similar endorsements and the campaign efforts of influential surrogates helped broaden Trump’s reach and strengthen his position in these early nominating contests.

Analysis of Primary Election Results

Carefully analyzing the primary election results reveals the reasons behind Trump’s successes. Symbolically, these results resemble pieces of a complex puzzle that reveal the broader image of Trump’s electoral success when pieced together.

Numerical data from the primaries reflects the crucial role that Trump’s base played in his victories. In Iowa, for example, Trump garnered a resounding 80% of the Republican vote, underscoring the extent to which he dominates within his party. The breadth and depth of his support were evident in the primary turnout, as voter participation reached record-breaking levels, with voters from all walks of life eager to cast their ballot in favor of Trump.

Mobilizing the Republican Base

Trump’s ability to mobilize and energize the Republican base is akin to igniting a roaring wildfire. His rallies and public appearances serve as the spark that ignites the passion and dedication of his supporters. Lost in translation, Trump prefers court appearances over the more tiring and grueling campaign trails. He conserves his energy by delivering speeches on the steps outside the courtroom, along with national media providing free coverage. By tapping into the deeply held beliefs and values of the Republican base, Trump has effectively harnessed their enthusiasm and transformed it into a formidable force.

Furthermore, Trump’s bold and unwavering stance on immigration and border security galvanized his base, positioning him as a defender of American values against perceived threats. Metaphorically speaking, his stance on these issues resonated like a resonant chord, striking a harmonious note with his followers. The intensity and devotion of this voting bloc played a significant role in his success, as shown by his victories in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Firm Stance on Immigration and Border Security

With immigration and border security, Donald Trump’s unwavering stance resembles a mighty tide that erodes opposing narratives. Throughout his campaign, Trump actively promoted policies such as border wall construction and stricter immigration enforcement, appealing to voters who strongly believe in safeguarding a nation’s borders at all costs.

However, I and other critics argue that Trump’s focus on border wall construction and stricter immigration enforcement cannot address the root causes of immigration, overlooks legal immigration benefits, and does not consider the economic and humanitarian aspects of the issue. As a result, I argue that a more comprehensive approach, including comprehensive immigration reform and addressing the socio-economic factors that drive migration, would be more effective in dealing with the challenges associated with immigration. For instance, some critics argue that investing in border security alone does not guarantee increased national security and could divert resources from other pressing issues, such as terrorism or cyber threats. As an example, critics point out that the former Trump administration had proposed a significant amount of funding to reinforce border control measures along the southern border. However, experts argue that focusing solely on border security neglects the fact that terrorism and cyber threats can originate from within the country or through other avenues, such as airports or online platforms. The difference of opinion highligts another Trump southern border motive to target predominately brown and black migrants. Thus, investing in a comprehensive national security strategy that addresses all potential threats would be more effective in safeguarding the nation.

Historical records reveal that these topics have long been contentious and highly emotive issues within American society. Trump’s strong and unequivocal position resonated with his base and a significant portion of unaffiliated voters, effectively mobilizing a broad coalition of supporters whom share the subtle but blantant racist policy disguised as border security despite growing white domestic terrorism. By taking a stance that resonated deeply with many Americans, Trump secured crucial victories in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.

“Victory in Iowa and New Hampshire shines light on Trump’s path to success in 2024.”


In the early stages of the 2024 election cycle, Donald Trump’s victories in Iowa and New Hampshire illuminate several vital factors that propelled him to success. Trump’s electoral triumphs are a testament to his enduring influence, from his solid support base to his appeal to rural voters and the impact of endorsements and surrogates. Analyzing the primary election results provides valuable insights into the magnitude of his support. Trump beat opponent Nikki Haley by approximately 11 percentage points in New Hampshire. At the same time, his ability to mobilize the Republican base through his unwavering stance on immigration and border security solidified his position as a frontrunner.

As the presidential race intensifies, the nation watches with bated breath to see how these initial victories will shape the trajectory of Trump’s campaign and the outcome of his criminal indictments. Will his criminal jeopardy even matter? Only time will tell if he can maintain this momentum and secure the Republican nomination. Still, one thing remains clear — Donald Trump has again solidified his place as a dominant force in American politics. Meanwhile, Democratic voters, enthused or not, must choose to vote for democracy or remain silent in a dictatorial takeover. Don’t complain later if he wins and you didn’t vote or encourage your circle to register and vote.

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Wayne Ince
The Polis

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices