Fighting Against Major Lies: Why Trump’s Latest Remarks Are Cause for Concern

Wayne Ince
The Polis
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2023
The US Capitol building in black and white with a reflection
A House Divided Cannot Stand

Image created by the author.

As the United States gears up for one of the most divisive and pivotal elections in its history, they have again rocked the political landscape with controversial remarks from President Donald Trump. During a recent speech in Minnesota, Trump urged his supporters to “watch” Black Americans in Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Detroit, insinuating that they may engage in election fraud. He also invoked racial tropes, such as calling a Mexican judge a “Mexican,” and referred to America as a “third world nation.” These remarks, along with his promise to conduct massive deportations and stop the “poisoning of American blood,” have raised alarms for many. Considering these divisive and dangerous comments, it is more important than ever to fight against the significant lies being propagated by right-wing leaders like Trump, the Freedom Caucus, and MAGA supporters.

One of the most dangerous lies being pushed by Trump and his supporters is the “replacement theory.” Far-right groups have perpetuated this theory, claiming that people of color are systematically replacing white people and undermining white supremacy. This dangerous and baseless claim has been used to incite fear and rally support among white supremacists and far-right extremists. By using phrases like “watching Black Americans” and calling to stop the “poisoning of our blood,” Trump is playing into this narrative and further perpetuating division and hatred.

This is not the first time that Trump has used thinly veiled racist rhetoric to rally his base. In the past, he has called for a complete shutdown of Muslim immigration, referred to white supremacists as “very fine people,” and pushed for policies like the border wall and the travel ban. As a nation, we must uphold the principles of the Constitution and stand up against any form of racism. We must call out offensive language and actions, hold individuals accountable for their racist behavior, and actively work towards a fairer society for all, just as a lighthouse guides ships away from the treacherous shores towards safe harbors. This latest speech is just another example of Trump using fear and racism to appeal to his supporters.

But it’s not just about Trump. The proliferation of lies and disinformation is a significant issue in our country, and we do not limit it to one political party or leader. Earlier this year, the FBI warned of the threat posed by radicalized right-wing extremists who spread misinformation and conspiracy theories. These lies have real-life consequences, from hate crimes to acts of violence. Rudy Giuliani had previously stated that the voting machines used in the 2020 election were from Venezuela. Not True? Trump stated in the National Pulse interview that immigrants arrive from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal gangs. He promotes that immigrants crossing the border steal jobs away from hard-working citizens. Florida construction projects slowed down because workers left many projects for fear of an immigration crackdown; where did they go? And why are there jobs still unfilled by all the hardworking citizens?

Many viewers of right-wing media outlets like Newsmax and Fox, these viewers aspire to be misled because they don’t have discussions and debates outside of their echo chambers. Can they recount a lot of incidents from the thousands of immigrants who live in our nation of jobs taken or somehow affecting their life personally? Perhaps there were a few incidents, but certainly not on the large scale Trump and Midwesterners claim.

It is now more important than ever to push back against these significant lies and fight for truth and justice. As individuals, we can do our part by fact-checking information before sharing it, engaging in critical thinking, and supporting reputable news sources. We can also actively promote anti-racism and call out discriminatory language and actions.

But the responsibility also falls on our leaders and policymakers to act. The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution declares that “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” We must uphold this, and leaders must speak out against the harmful rhetoric and policies that seek to divide us.

“In order to progress as a nation, we must unite against hate and division.”

As the 2024 election draws nearer and tensions continue to rise, it is crucial to remain vigilant against spreading lies and perpetuating harmful narratives. We must speak out, we must, stamp out, and focus on promoting unity and equality. We can move forward as a nation only by standing united against hate and division. Let us use all our voices and actions to fight against significant lies and build a better, more just future for all. I don’t see this resulting division as win or lose; rather, gaining equality is not a result of a shrinking majority losing anything.



Wayne Ince
The Polis

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices