God-The invisible evil

Aayush Raj
The Polis
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2021

Do you ever wonder why are we born? Do you ever think what is this life, what is this universe all about? This whole existence is such suffering, running your whole life for bread and butter, a house, a job, love, health etc.

Till the day we die, we have to run from one place to another.

It’s funny how some people stick to a religion calling God is great and God is all loving and benevolent and what not. Whether it’s Christianity, or Islam or Hinduism, everyone fears this God, this creator of everything. I know it helps one psychologically, to believe that this God wants good of everyone and he will give us the fruits or luxury or whatever is in the ancient books on the judgement day but common sense can tell why would such a God make you suffer in this world to make you happy in afterlife in heaven or hell.

People who fear death, I must tell you something. It is not your own death you must fear. For once you die, you might not even know it or maybe it will be eternal sleep, or your non existence. You didn't exist before you were born, why do you fear something you don’t even know about. It’s not like you are going to think about your death after you die and lament all day and night that oh you died. If you are a Hindu, then maybe you will stay like a ghost for sometime and then will be reborn.

It is actually the death of a loved one that we suffer from, when we miss them so much, when we have no life without them and we simply survive breathing and eating and sleeping in their memories.

Life is a fucking hell. We are born to suffer only. Of course there are joys and good food and drinks and sensual pleasures but for how long and for how many people? Buddha understood it, but then his philosophy of detachment will make you want death sooner.

Look at the world and you will see these evil people ruling everywhere. Such a God for us? To give us such tormentors?

Look at Covid, look we haven’t even found the real culprits yet. The Wuhan Lab!!! was it US govt. ? or Chinese govt. ? or together? If they really did something with the virus, and so many people died and suffered, where is the justice? why the blood of the survivors don’t boil? Are they spineless cowards?Do you wait for your own death or peaceful life to happen? I will tell you one thing for sure, a peaceful life and a proud life is never coming for you until you fight for this world, for every human who has suffered unjustly.

Look at Afghanistan, some day your silence will return to you very loudly and make you cry and shriek. US can ruin a country like Iraq but cannot save Afghanistan. You must know all these world leaders are not there to serve you. They got elected because they wanted power and fame. And you could never trust a prime minister or president who fought his way for power and fame, and not for the service of people, for one must be a selfless social worker who will be a true server of humanity and will really want your good and happiness. There is enough wealth and prosperity for everyone in this world. But there is not enough goodwill and leaders to take the world there.

God is surely an evil to have made this dog eat dog world. But humans can be better than him, goodness can be better than him.

yes, I lost someone. I lost my love, my life. I lost everything. I just have to lose this body one day. Till then Good luck with your life! Good luck with your God!

