Honoring Our Military Veterans

Wayne Ince
The Polis
Published in
11 min readOct 16, 2023


Honoring Our Veterans

Photo credit: DDW
Military veterans are integral to our society, and we must understand and appreciate their immense contribution. They have dedicated their lives to serving our country and defending our freedom. In this article, we will explore the importance of military veterans, different ways to honor them, the psychological impact of military service, the transition from military to civilian life, and the role of the government in supporting veterans. I wanted to write an article that supports and respects our military veterans before the national Veterans Day holiday.

Understanding the Importance of Military Veterans

Our military veterans hold a special place in society due to their selflessness, bravery, and sacrifice. They have put their lives on the line to protect our nation from external threats. The role of veterans in society is multifaceted and extends beyond their time in the military. Their experiences help shape our collective identity and remind us of the sacrifices made to maintain our way of life.

When we think of veterans, we often picture them in uniform, serving on the front lines. However, their contributions to society go far beyond their military service. Veterans are crucial in various sectors, including business, education, healthcare, and public service. Their skills and training gained during their military service make them highly disciplined, motivated, and adaptable individuals.

Many veterans transition into successful entrepreneurs, utilizing their leadership skills and determination to create thriving businesses. These veteran-owned businesses contribute to our economy's growth and create job opportunities for others. By employing fellow veterans, they create a support network and foster a sense of camaraderie in the business world.

Moreover, veterans’ experience and leadership qualities make them valuable assets in government and public service roles. Their understanding of teamwork, strategic thinking, and decision-making can greatly benefit society as they work toward creating policies and programs that address the community's needs. Whether serving as elected officials, advisors, or advocates, veterans bring a unique perspective shaped by their military service.

Why We Should Honor Veterans

Honoring veterans is a gesture of gratitude and a way to acknowledge their sacrifices and ensure their well-being. Veterans often face physical and mental health issues, difficulties transitioning to civilian life, and limited job prospects. Our responsibility as a society is to support and uplift those who have dedicated their lives to protect our freedoms.

By honoring and supporting veterans, we can show them that their service is appreciated and provide them with the assistance they may need to overcome these challenges. Organizations and initiatives focused on veteran support offer resources such as healthcare services, job placement programs, and mental health counseling. These efforts aim to improve the quality of life for veterans and help them reintegrate into civilian society.
Furthermore, honoring veterans reminds future generations of the sacrifices made to maintain our way of life. It instills a sense of patriotism and gratitude, encouraging individuals to reflect on the freedoms and opportunities they enjoy. By understanding the sacrifices veterans have made, we can better appreciate the values and principles that our nation upholds.

In conclusion, military veterans play a vital role in our society during service and beyond. Their contributions in various sectors and sacrifices deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. By honoring and supporting veterans, we not only acknowledge their selflessness, but also ensure their well-being and contribute to a stronger and more united society. As a veteran, I know knowing your service matters is still essential.

Different Ways to Honor Veterans

There are numerous ways in which we can honor and support our military veterans. Participating in Veterans Day activities is one such way. Attending parades, ceremonies, and other events organized to honor veterans can help us connect with them and express our gratitude.

Veterans Day is a significant occasion that allows us to unite as a community and pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served our country. It is a day filled with solemnity and gratitude as we remember the sacrifices made by our veterans. The flag-raising ceremonies held in various communities serve as a powerful symbol of our respect and appreciation for their service.

Furthermore, wreath-laying events are a poignant way to honor veterans. Placing a wreath at a memorial site not only signifies our remembrance but also represents our commitment never to forget the sacrifices made by these courageous individuals. It is a solemn and respectful gesture that allows us to reflect on the immense contributions of our veterans.

In addition to attending ceremonies and events, another meaningful way to honor veterans is by volunteering at veterans’ organizations. These organizations provide crucial support and resources to veterans and their families. By offering our time and skills, we can make a direct impact on their lives. Whether it is assisting with administrative tasks, organizing events, or providing mentorship, our contributions can help improve the well-being of veterans.

Participating in Veterans Day Activities

On Veterans Day, many communities organize flag-raising ceremonies, wreath-laying events, and concerts to honor veterans. We can pay tribute to their service and show our findings from these events. Volunteering at veterans’ organizations and donating to veteran-focused charities are impactful ways to give back to those who have served.

When we volunteer at veterans’ organizations, we contribute to veterans' well-being and gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. We can learn about their stories, challenges, and triumphs through interactions with veterans. This knowledge allows us to better appreciate their sacrifices and motivates us to continue supporting them.

Moreover, donating to veteran-focused charities is a way to provide financial assistance to those who have served. These organizations often offer various programs and services aimed at improving the lives of veterans and their families. By contributing to these charities, we can help fund initiatives such as job training, mental health support, and housing assistance, ensuring that veterans receive the resources they need to thrive.

Supporting Veteran-Owned Businesses

Another way to honor veterans is to support their entrepreneurial ventures. Many veterans start their own businesses after leaving the military, and by purchasing their products or services, we can directly contribute to their success. Supporting veteran-owned businesses helps veterans financially, encourages their entrepreneurship, and boosts our economy.

When we choose to support veteran-owned businesses, we invest in quality products and services and support the dreams and aspirations of those who have served our country. These businesses often bring unique perspectives and innovative ideas to the market, enriching our communities with their contributions. By patronizing veteran-owned businesses, we can foster a sense of camaraderie and demonstrate our appreciation for their service.

Volunteering at Veterans Hospitals

Volunteering at veterans hospitals and medical centers provides an opportunity to support veterans’ well-being directly. Many veterans require ongoing medical care, and by offering our time and assistance, we can ensure they receive the support they need. Volunteering can involve a wide range of activities such as assisting with recreational programs, accompanying veterans to appointments, or simply offering a listening ear.
When we volunteer at veterans hospitals, we become part of a compassionate and dedicated team that is committed to providing the best care for our veterans. Our presence and support can make a significant difference in their lives, as we offer comfort, companionship, and a sense of community. By engaging in activities such as organizing recreational events or participating in therapy sessions, we can contribute to their overall well-being and help them navigate the challenges they may face.
Furthermore, volunteering at veterans hospitals allows us to witness firsthand the resilience and strength of our veterans. We have the opportunity to listen to their stories, share moments of laughter, and provide a supportive presence during their recovery. These interactions not only bring joy and companionship to the veterans but also leave a lasting impact on our own lives.

The Psychological Impact of Military Service

The psychological well-being of veterans is a critical aspect that requires understanding and support. As a member of the military, you are exposed to many stressful situations and traumas that can have long-lasting effects on your mental health. It’s important to seek help as soon as possible if you feel that your mental health is deteriorating. Professional help can provide valuable support and guidance to help you cope with the effects of your military service. Additionally, talking to family and friends can also provide emotional support. Therefore, it’s important to reach out to both professional and family support networks to ensure a healthy and resilient life. Seeking help is like building a house; you can’t afford to wait until the foundation is weak to start building. If you start early, you’ll be better equipped to handle any challenges or obstacles that may arise.

Common Mental Health Issues Among Veterans

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is among the most prevalent mental health issues veterans face. Wartime trauma and military service demands can lead to symptoms such as intrusive memories, nightmares, and increased anxiety. There is also a high risk of depression and anxiety disorders among veterans. PTSD can lead to physical health problems, such as chronic pain, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues. It can also lead to substance abuse, social isolation, and difficulty functioning in everyday life. For example, a veteran with PTSD may be triggered by loud noises and have difficulty sleeping, leading to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. 7% of veterans will have PTSD at some point in their life, which is higher than the general population. (ptsd.va.gov) In addition, PTSD can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health, leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Clearly, PTSD, anxiety, and depression are serious and potentially life-threatening conditions that require proper diagnosis and treatment.

The Importance of Mental Health Support for Veterans

Ensuring proper mental health support for veterans is crucial for their well-being and successful reintegration into civilian life. Access to counseling services, support groups, and specialized treatment programs can significantly improve veterans’ mental health outcomes. By investing in mental health resources, we can help veterans overcome the challenges they may face and lead fulfilling lives.

The Transition from Military to Civilian Life

Transitioning from military to civilian life can be complex, and veterans often face unique challenges during this period. Understanding these challenges and providing appropriate support is essential in easing their transition. Veterans often have difficulty adjusting from the structure and discipline of the military to civilian life, and they may not have access to the resources they need to make the shift. Additionally, veterans often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and physical disabilities that can be difficult to manage in a civilian setting. For instance, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder may need counseling or mental health support to help them manage their symptoms and cope with the challenges of civilian life. According to a study done in August 2022, 4.9 million veterans, or 27 percent of all veterans, had a service-connected disability. (BLS.gov) Thus, it is clear that veterans require extra care and support for their unique needs.

Challenges Faced by Veterans in Civilian Life

One of the main challenges veterans encounter in civilian life is finding employment. The skills learned in the military may not always directly translate to civilian job opportunities. Moreover, veterans may struggle to adapt to a different work culture and establish a new support network. As well as readjusting to family life and dealing with the loss of the structured military environment, readjusting to civilian life can also be a challenge for some individuals. For instance, the Disabled Veterans (DAV)organization reports, “veterans may find it difficult to cope with the emotional and psychological effects of their experiences, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).” In addition, veterans may face difficulty finding jobs that fit their qualifications and experience, as well as the stigma that comes with being a service member. They may also experience difficulty finding a sense of belonging in a new community. The difficulties veterans face are like a jigsaw puzzle, with each piece representing a specific challenge that they must solve in order to feel whole again. We don’t need handouts or charity, but an opportunity to be whole. To overcome these challenges, veterans require a comprehensive support system that offers them the resources they need.

How Society Can Help Ease the Transition

Society can play a vital role in helping veterans transition successfully into civilian life. Providing career counseling, job placement services, and educational opportunities can assist veterans in finding meaningful employment. Additionally, creating support networks and mentorship programs can help veterans navigate the challenges they may face during this transitional phase. By valuing veterans' unique experiences and skills, we can create an inclusive society.

The Role of Government in Supporting Veterans

The government has a responsibility to provide comprehensive support for military veterans. It is essential to address the specific needs of veterans through existing programs and proposed policies to improve the quality of life of veterans. Services should be tailored to the unique needs of veterans, such as access to mental and physical health care, employment opportunities, and housing assistance. Veterans should also have access to counseling, peer support, and financial assistance. In sum, addressing the specific needs of veterans through existing programs and proposed policies is essential to ensure their quality of life.

Existing Government Programs for Veterans

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) oversees various programs and services to support veterans’ health, education, and employment opportunities. These include healthcare services, disability compensation, educational benefits, and home loan programs. It is also important to note that the VA provides mental health services and resources tailored to address veterans’ needs. The VA also offers various resources and support programs to help veterans and their families cope with the effects of military service. These services include counseling, support groups, and financial assistance. The VA is committed to providing veterans the support they need to lead successful and productive lives. However, some veterans feel that the VA lacks resources or support. These veterans think that the VA does not do enough to help them find jobs or cope with the effects of their service. The VA needs to do more to provide veterans with the help and support they need to transition successfully. The VA must prioritize increasing resources and support to ensure veterans have the support they need.

Proposed Policies to Improve Veterans’ Lives

Continued efforts are being made to improve veterans’ lives through proposed policies. Initiatives such as increasing funding for mental health services, expanding job training programs, and strengthening support networks for transitioning veterans are crucial in ensuring veterans’ well-being. Together, Congress and government agencies develop policies that address the evolving needs of our veterans and provide them with the resources they need. However, some claim that current policies are not helping veterans. They point out that many veterans still struggle with unemployment and homelessness and that mental health services are not widely available. In addition, they say that support for transitioning veterans is not adequate. They say more needs to be done to help veterans find jobs and reintegrate into society. They argue that the current policies do not provide enough financial assistance, housing assistance, and mental health support to help veterans recover from their service. They also say that the current policies do not provide enough job training to help veterans find meaningful civilian jobs or enough support to help them reintegrate into society. Thus, the government must put more resources into supporting veterans and their families.

In Conclusion

Honoring our military veterans is not only a way to express gratitude but also a means of ensuring their well-being and successful transition to civilian life. By understanding the importance of veterans, supporting their initiatives, addressing their mental health needs, easing their transition, and implementing government policies, we can create a society that truly values and helps those who have selflessly served our nation. Furthermore, we should ensure that veterans have the resources and assistance they need to transition into civilian life and receive the necessary recognition for their heroic service. This is important because veterans who have sacrificed to protect our country should be honored and respected for their service. They should also be given the support they need to transition back into civilian life and help them find meaningful employment. Furthermore, governments should create policies and initiatives to ensure that veterans are treated fairly and have access to all the necessary resources. A US Senator, Tammy Duckworth, once said: “We owe it to all our veterans to make sure they have a chance to achieve the American Dream, just like the rest of us.” Therefore, it is clear that governments must prioritize the care and support for military veterans.



Wayne Ince
The Polis

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices