If It Doesn’t Say It’s Racist, It Isn’t: Ben Shapiro and Georgia’s Voter Suppression

Ben Shapiro’s arguments defending Georgia’s new restrictions on voting are typical bad faith conservative talking points.

Conor Kelly
The Polis


Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

American democracy depends upon the consent of the governed. Many Americans have been saturated in that concept throughout their life. Indeed, much of the discussion surrounding the Civil Rights Era is tailored to the right to vote, if nothing else. And yet, questions about how those rights are manifested remain alive and well. With Georgia’s recent law on voting rights, those questions have now a partisan and racial meaning, creating intense controversy over what it means to vote in America. Though widely condemned as inappropriate and cruel, the law in Georgia has a few defenders. Namely, the usual suspect: Ben Shapiro.

In a video published on Wednesday, Shapiro elected to defend the recent requirements passed by the Georgia legislature, arguing that it is not racist and that the Left is lying about it. Through a variety of tricks, unsubstantiated assumptions, and partisan hyperbole, Shapiro fails to adequately understand the topic with which he is attempting to engage and all of his arguments reveal just how little the conservative media sphere seeks to understand the…



Conor Kelly
The Polis

Political commentator, freelance writer, and polemicist. ┃MA in Political Science UIS 24┃ Sign up for the newsletter here: https://theprogressiveamerican.com/