If You Can Keep It! — Part 1.

Timothy A. Wilson
The Polis
Published in
9 min readMar 22, 2024


Sir: The Pennsylvania Society for promoting the abolition of slavery, and the relief of free Negroes unlawfully held in bondage, have taken the liberty to ask your Excellency’s acceptance of a few copies of their Constitution and the laws of Pennsylvania, which relate to one of the objects of their Institution; also, of a copy of Thomas Clarkson’s excellent Essay upon the Commerce and Slavery of the Africans. The Society have heard, with great regret, that a considerable part of the slaves, who have been sold in the Southern States since the establishment of peace, have been imported in vessels fitted out in the state, over which, your Excellency presides. From your Excellency’s station, they hope your influence will be exerted, hereafter, to prevent a practice which is so evidently repugnant to the political principles and form of government lately adopted by citizens of the United States, and which cannot fail of delaying the enjoyment of the blessings of peace and liberty, by drawing down the displeasure of the great and impartial Ruler of the Univers upon our country. — Franklin Autobiography, pg. 429–430

Constitutional Convention 1787 — Public Domain

On December 23, 1776, the Continental Army, under the leadership of General George Washington, was about to go up against some of Britain’s so-called crack troops, The Hessians. As he looked over these troops, Washington saw a group of tired, discouraged, cold, and hungry men and boys…



Timothy A. Wilson
The Polis

I am a son, husband, father, grandfather. Have retired from my coaching business. My focus is on learning to be a better writer here at Medium.