If You’re Still MAGA, You’re Everything People Say You Are

How About Just Making America Great?

William Spivey
The Polis
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2022


Natilyn Hicks at Unsplash

People who wave the Confederate flag may say it’s about heritage, not hate. They may have convinced themselves that’s the only way it should be interpreted. But in their hearts, they know how it’s being received no matter what they say they mean. When people say you’re purveyors of hate, that’s what you are and what you meant to do.

Make America Great Again (MAGA) in theory, is well-intended; what’s wrong with wanting to make America great? The problems start when you take a close look at “Again.” Ask a MAGA person when exactly again is, and you’ll never get an answer. They may ramble about certain values they think America once had, but ask them what they’re talking about, and you’ll get a blank stare.

Let me help them narrow things down. If we pick the Declaration of Independence in 1776 as a starting point for America and don’t count the years that had enslavement, the Black Codes, or Jim Crow, we’ve eliminated any year before 1968. So it’s only within the past 54 years that America has been great. Then take away the years of pay inequality, mass incarceration, voter suppression, and homophobia. Just like that, there aren’t any years left. What MAGA zealots mean is when they think America was great for them which is a whole…



William Spivey
The Polis

I write about politics, history, education, and race. Follow me at williamfspivey.com and support me at https://ko-fi.com/williamfspivey0680