‘Illegal’ Immigrants, Jobs, and Welfare

The Mad MAGA Hatter says immigrants collect all the welfare but also somehow take all the jobs — here are the facts

Katharine Valentino
The Polis


This is all over social media. I picked it up from “The Other 98%” on Facebook. If you’ve not heard of Schrodinger, ”you can look him up here.

We’ve been arguing about the border for years. On the one side of the argument are people like:

  • Lauren Boebert: “Allowing illegal immigrants that are gang members and criminals with COVID to enter the U.S. and receive citizenship is a slap in the face to the American people and the rule of law.”
  • John Linder, a former Republican member of the House: “It is simply a fact that the birth rate of our illegal immigrants exceeds that of our legal residents.”
  • And, of course, Donald J. tRump: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

On the other side of the argument is … me.

I agree that some immigrants — whom I call “undocumented,” not “illegal” — are good people. However, I substitute “most” for Trump’s “some” and maintain that Boebert’s gang members and criminals probably have easier ways to get into the country than walking for thousands of miles.



Katharine Valentino
The Polis

Still trying for the words to help us do & feel good things. Owner of Reviews for Medium Featured Books. I write life stories & about politics / social issues.